Intensive Bail Initiative

The Intensive Bail Initiative (IBI) works with young people on bail, exiting detention, or at risk of reoffending. YAC provides three distinct services through the IBI:

  • Bail Support
  • Community Connector
  • Intensive Family Partnership

Bail Support

Young People 10 - 17 years

Greater Brisbane, Redlands, and Sunshine Coast

The Bail Support Service supports young people to stay out of court, out of custody and reduce reoffending.

If you’re on bail or a Youth Justice order, or are worried that you could be, we can help you do what court has told you to do.

BoSS will work with you towards your goals. Our goal is to help you get things back on track, the way you want. The BoSS team will talk with you about what matters to you and connect you with what you need.

Bail Support Services can help you with any of your goals:
  • Getting to and from places including court
  • Getting back to school or finding work
  • Finding somewhere to live
  • Learning life skills like budgeting and cooking
  • Finding other supports in the community
  • Working with you and your family

Community Connector

Young People 10 - 17 years

Greater Brisbane, Redlands

Community Connector can support you if you are:

  • New to Youth Justice
  • Worried about getting involved in Youth Justice
  • Waiting on your court decision

We can support you with short-term practical assistance and to help you find other support
services. This assistance might include school, work, transport, or other life issues.

We can also work with other services you might be involved with, with your consent.

We provide some after-hours support through a partnership with Jarjum Dreamings.

Intensive Family Partnership (IFP)

Young People 10 - 17 years (and their families)

Greater Brisbane

The Intensive Family Partnership program provides family focused support that will help keep you out of trouble.

We will also link you in with one of our partners who will provide you with specialised support to help with your communication and relationships at home.

Our services are:


Our service are free of cost.


Our services are confidential, meaning we won’t share your information without your permission (unless the law says we have to).


We only work with a young person if they want to work with us. We will give you information and allow you to make your own decision.



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Contact YAC

Street address: Level 4, 16 Peel Street, South Brisbane Q 4101

Mailing address: Level 4, 16 Peel Street, South Brisbane Q 4101

Tel: (07) 3356 1002

Bussiness hours: 9am - 5pm, Mon - Fri

Send a message here

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If you need urgent assistance outside of these hours: