Community Legal Education (CLE)

Young People 10 - 17 years & Youth Worker education

Greater Brisbane (beyond Brisbane upon request)

About Community Legal Education

YAC’s Community Legal Education (CLE) Officer works with young people aged 10 to 18, while also providing training to youth workers.

CLE activities provide young people with the information they need about their legal rights and responsibilities to engage with the law safely and make informed decisions. YAC runs its CLE sessions wherever young people are, including schools, community organisations, and youth detention centres.

In recognition of the important role youth workers play in the lives of their clients, YAC’s CLE program also includes delivering sessions to workers to assist them in effectively supporting young people.

Youth education visits and presentations

The CLE Officer can attend schools, youth agencies and organisations across Brisbane to provide information so that young people better understand the law, and how it applies to them.

The most popular workshop – known as our ‘party talk’ –focuses on the most common ways young people come into contact with the law and provides legal information on an array of topics including parties, drugs, alcohol, police, and consent.

Other presentation topics include cyber safety, things to know when engaging with police, law reform in Queensland, and the youth justice system.

Youth Worker education and courses

The CLE Officer can also provide information and training to workers who engage with young people as part of their role - youth workers, teachers, school guidance officers, etc.

YAC’s most popular training for youth workers is the two-day Laying Down the Law workshop, which provides information on workers’ legal responsibilities, the child protection system, the Childrens Court, and being a support person in police interviews.

The workshop also introduces a multidisciplinary decision-making framework that will assist workers in resolving complex scenarios likely to arise in their day-to-day practice. This program is delivered by the CLE Officer and YAC’s Youth and Court Support Coordinator.

Laying Down the Law

The Laying Down the Law program is an extremely informative and powerful course for Youth Workers in Queensland. To learn more visit our Laying Down the Law page.

Why we deliver legal education

YAC understands that it can be difficult to avoid getting into trouble with the law when you don’t know what the law is. Making the law more accessible by educating young people about their legal rights and responsibilities is therefore a key priority for YAC.

Empowering young people with greater knowledge about the law allows them to make more informed decisions. It will also aid in their ability to engage more effectively with police and other law enforcement officials.

CLE also functions as a myth-busting exercise, helping to combat misinformation that may be present within the community, or passed on from friends and family.

Similarly, given how closely youth workers work with their young clients, it is essential for them to have a comprehensive understanding of the key laws and responsibilities that affect their work, allowing them to provide the best support possible.

Community Legal Education presentations

YAC has a range of CLE presentations available, with the topics informed by the most common ways young people come into contact with the law. Other presentations may also be available upon request depending on the resources required and capacity of the CLE Officer.

Topics include:

  • Young people’s rights when dealing with police
  • Party Talk – covers the law regarding partying, drugs, alcohol, driving, and more
  • Cyber safety
  • Law reform in Queensland
  • The Youth Justice System
  • Laying Down the Law – youth worker training

Book an education session


Please consider the above information and let us know which topic you would like us to cover.


Presentations to young people are usually delivered free of cost. Presentations to workers are often free of charge depending on travel and topic.


To book a session with our Community Legal Educator please complete the below booking forms.

Our services are:


Our service are free of cost.


Our services are confidential, meaning we won’t share your information without your permission (unless the law says we have to).


We only work with a young person if they want to work with us. We will give you information and allow you to make your own decision.



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Contact YAC

Street address: Level 4, 16 Peel Street, South Brisbane Q 4101

Mailing address: Level 4, 16 Peel Street, South Brisbane Q 4101

Tel: (07) 3356 1002

Bussiness hours: 9am - 5pm, Mon - Fri

Send a message here

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If you need urgent assistance outside of these hours: