Overview of services

Legal Support

Young people 10-17 Brisbane, Redlands, and Sunshine Coast

YAC’s specialist youth lawyers provide legal representation, information, and advice about the law, legal and court processes, and young people’s legal rights.

Positive Moves

Young people 14-19 Brisbane Metro

Supports young people who have no stable housing to transition to and/or sustain housing, in particular young people exiting detention and addressing emotional, psychological, and social well-being.

Intensive Bail Initiative

The Intensive Bail Initiative (IBI) works with young people on bail, exiting detention, or at risk of reoffending. YAC provides three distinct services through the IBI: Bail Support, Community Connector, and Intensive Family Partnership.

Bail Support (BOSS)

Young people 10-17 Brisbane, Redlands, and Sunshine Coast

Supports young people to stay out of court, out of custody, and reduce reoffending. This includes working with young people on bail or a Youth Justice Order.

Community Connector

Young people 10-17 Brisbane and Redlands

For young people waiting on court or are worried about getting involved with the youth justice system, we connect young people to services who can help.

Intensive Family Partnership (IFP)

Young people 10-17 Brisbane and Redlands

The Intensive Family Partnership program provides family focused support that will work with young people and their families.

Youth Support (YASS)

Young people 16-19 Brisbane, Ipswich, Redlands, Logan, Caboolture
Young people 16-25 Moreton Bay

Supports young people who have housing issues and require support for their legal issues (such as conflict with the law, court, exiting the justice or child protection systems, victim support) to transition to independence.

This program can help young people's views be heard, find somewhere to live, learn to live independently, support at court, and work towards goals.

Family Support

Young people 10-18 Greater Brisbane

This program works with young people and their family – but only with the agreement of the young person. They help rebuild relationships, put strategies in place at home, and with other goals and needs.

There is also a more intensive Family Partnership service which works with families of young people on bail or a Youth Justice order within Brisbane North.

Youth Court Assistance (YCAP)

Young people 10-17 Brisbane, Caboolture, Pine Rivers, Redcliffe, Ipswich, Richlands, Cairns

Supports young people with court related social support needs and connecting young people to other services.

Community Legal Education

Young people & workers South-East Queensland

This service attend schools, youth agencies and organisations to provide information so that young people better understand the law, and how it applies to them. The CLE service also provides training to youth workers, teachers, and others working with young people.

The services operates out of Brisbane but may be able to provide some sessions to regional areas online. For more information visit the CLE page.

About Youth Advocacy Centre

YAC provides  legal services, youth support and family support assistance and services to young people generally aged 10 to 18 years (inclusive) who live in or around the greater Brisbane region, particularly those who are involved in, or are at risk of involvement in, the youth justice and/or the child protection systems; and/or are homeless or at risk of homelessness.

We provide more limited support to those under 10 and over 18 years of age; and to young people outside of Brisbane via telephone, website and publications.

YAC can help young people with things like:

  • legal hassles – including being charged with breaking the law or child protection issues
  • support while on bail
  • problems at home or school
  • family relationships
  • lack of accommodation and/or income
  • being the victim of a crime (including abuse)
  • discrimination issues

If you aren’t sure if we can help with a problem – call us anyway! We can help link young people up with other services in the community to assist them if YAC can’t.

Let's create change as a community.

Young people achieve their full potential through the community accepting collective responsibility for their importance, empowerment, rights, well-being and humanity.

We're calling on the Queensland community to commit to supporting children and young people through our holistic program with a long-term focus.

Contact YAC

Street address: Level 4, 16 Peel Street, South Brisbane Q 4101

Mailing address: Level 4, 16 Peel Street, South Brisbane Q 4101

Tel: (07) 3356 1002

Bussiness hours: 9am - 5pm, Mon - Fri

Send a message here

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If you need urgent assistance outside of these hours: