'Laying Down the Law' - Youth Worker Training
Laying Down the Law is the Youth Advocacy Centre's legal training course for youth workers.
About Laying Down the Law
Our Laying Down the Law (LDL) training package is specially designed for those who are working or volunteering in youth work in Queensland.
The course will educate you on the most important laws affecting youth workers and what your responsibilities are.
The training also provides participants with a decision making framework that will allow you to make decisions that are child centered, human rights compliant, and consistent with the law.
Best of all the program is interactive, including example scenarios, and questions are welcome.
In-person or online
For those who prefer online delivery, or would like to complete the course in their own time, the program is now also available in an online format.

Topics covered in Laying Down the Law
YAC delivers a 2 day training package which covers:
- a framework for decision making which is cognisant of the law and is child centred and human rights compliant
- Confidentiality
- Negligence
- Child Protection
- Police Powers
- Childrens Court
- Being a support person at Police interviews
Laying Down the Law online training
The online version of Laying Down the Law is delivered in 5 modules in an interactive and informational format.
Right now YAC is running a special introductory offer of $150/user for access to the course.
Discounts are also available for groups of 10 or more - contact elearn@yac.net.au for more information.
In-person training delivery & bookings
Content & Timing
To request a booking, please complete the below booking form and return to admin@yac.net.au
Otherwise you can contact us at admin@yac.net.au or call us on (07) 3356 1002.

Over 40 years of youth support
YAC has over 40 years experience in advocacy, legal, and social support for young people.
The Youth Advocacy Centre opened its doors in June 1981 to create a service for children caught up in Queensland's youth justice system.
Contact YAC
Street address: Level 4, 16 Peel Street, South Brisbane Q 4101
Mailing address: Level 4, 16 Peel Street, South Brisbane Q 4101
Tel: (07) 3356 1002
Bussiness hours: 9am - 5pm, Mon - Fri

If you need urgent assistance outside of these hours:
- Youth Legal Advice Hotline 1800 527 527 (Mon to Thurs 8am - 9pm, Friday 8am to Sunday 5pm)
- Kids Helpline 1800 551 800 (24/7, 365 days per year)
- Lifeline 13 11 14 (24/7, 365 days per year)
- Homelessness Hotline 1800 474 753 (24/7, 365 days per year)
- If you are over 18, and seeking access to Mental Health Services in Queensland, Acute Care Team on 1300 MHCALL (1300 64 2255).

Follow Us
Follow us on social media for information on laws, youth rights, and news.